PROFICIENCY SECTION PART III - READING COMPREHENSION This section of the exam will test your ability to understand a text. There are four reading passages, each followed by five questions about the passage. You should read each carefully and then try to answer the questions following the passage. If you do not know the answer at first, you may read the passage again. However, do not spend too much time on the passage or you will not be able to finish. EXAMPLE According to scientists, 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. This watery wilderness is the habitat of four out of every five living things. To aid oceanographers in their exploration of the seas and oceans of the world, scientists have been designing more and better types of undersea vessels. These new vessels will help explore the seas with greater safety and with more efficient tools and techniques. 1. What percentage of the earth's inhabitants live on land? (A) 10 percent (C) 20 percent (B) 70 percent (D) 50 percent The correct answer is (C) 20 percent. If four out of every five living things live in water, one of every five living things, or 20 percent must live on land. Therefore, you have to mark (C) on your answer sheet.